Saturday, February 8, 2025 9:53:08 AM
Tay Ninh Sugar Company

- Company Limited Tay Ninh Sugar precursor Tay Ninh Sugar Company was established in Tay Ninh province in 1980. Over the development period to date the Company changed its name and change the operational model of economic development situation of the country and Tay Ninh province.

- January 10/1981 Decision of PPC Company was renamed the UN General Enterprise Road, Tay Ninh, in this period in 1989 by decision of the Ministry of Agriculture assigned to Tay Ninh in particular Contact United XN General Tay Ninh Road directly managing two sugarcane farm in Tan Chau District is: Tan Hung and Thanh Binh

- 1990 Decision of the PPC Cane Farm Water in Agriculture and Forestry under the Department assigned to the General Union Street XN direct management. Simultaneously during this provincial decision to build sugar mills in water capacity of 500 tons per day, and put into operation in 1992.

- Make Decision on 07.14.1995 58/QD-UB on the establishment of Tay Ninh Sugar Company on the basis of UN General Tay Ninh Road Enterprise includes units such as Water Factory Road In (merged into Farm Water In Water In the sugar factory); Nong Tan Hung (merged into Farm Thanh Binh Tan Hung Plantation) 22/12 Enterprise Street and company offices.

- In the course of development going up in recent years, parallel with the organization of business activities effectively increasing each year, the company has done well the equitization of state enterprises. 6 / 2001, the company conducting equitization 22/12 Enterprise Street and renamed the tea company stock fee.

- January 10/2005 decision made PPC company separated parts factory water lines in the company conducting equitization and renamed the company shares in sugar water. During this period, Sugar Company has been associated with established partners tapioca Water Company building in the industrial water management in the company.

- Pursuant to Decision on 09.05.2007 43/QDUB of Tay Ninh province. Tay Ninh Sugar Company Ltd. changed its name to a member of Tay Ninh Sugar today.

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